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5 Alternative Funding Options for K-12 Technology Purchases

Alternative Funding Options for K-12
K-12 schools looking to purchase devices and other technology have a wide array of funding options available. The most common method of payment is still via a purchase order issued by the district or school, usually with Net 30 terms. Smaller orders are often paid for via credit card.

Here are five popular alternative funding options that we see schools using to purchase new devices:

1. Equipment Leases for K-12 Schools

Technology leases are an increasingly popular way for schools to purchase new devices. They offer low (or zero) up front cost and a predictable payment for the term of the lease. Hybrid lease options allow the school to "own" the devices at the end and re-coup some of the value for the devices at trade-in when they refresh.

Here are two leasing companies we recommend looking at:


CLASS Leasing

2. K-12 Purchasing Cooperatives / State Contracts

Purchasing cooperatives are available in a majority of states. These organizations usually provide a relatively quick approval process and work with select approved vendors, such as Tech to School. Often the state itself will issue purchasing contracts that often utilize the cooperatives to manage the purchasing process.

Here are some examples of purchasing cooperatives we work with:




3. Emergency Relief Funds for K-12 Schools

Government provided emergency relief funds are still available and being utilized by schools to purchase devices and other technology. EANS (Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools) and ESSER (Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief) funds can be used to purchase devices from Tech to School.

Contact us to learn more about using EANS/ESSER funds to purchase devices.

4. Digital Wallets

Digital wallets such as ClassWallet help streamline the purchasing, reimbursement and compliance process. ClassWallet also provides EANS funding management for schools.  

5. Technology Trade-in for K-12 Schools

Unlock the most value out of your current devices by trading them in with Tech to School. We can give you a trade-up credit along with a discount for newer devices or simply cut your school a check to be used as you see fit. We offer payment on pickup and complete most audits within 30 days.

Get a trade-in quote for your old devices here >


Tech to School is here to help your school get the best devices into the hands of your students and educators. We're here to help with funding questions and are happy to work with the purchasing requirements for your school or district.

Register your school today or schedule a 1:1 call with a representative to learn more.