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The Best EdTech Conferences for K-12 IT Staff

 Best EdTech Shows for K-12 IT Staff

Education technology is a rapidly evolving field and keeping up with the latest trends and innovations can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are several excellent conferences that offer K-12 IT professionals the opportunity to network, learn from experts and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the space.

Here are our Top 5 EdTech conferences for K-12 technology professionals: 


ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) is by far the biggest of the EdTech shows on the North American calendar. Tech to School has been exhibiting at ISTE since 2013 and it's a great place to see almost everything the EdTech space have to offer. Outside of the keynote and sessions, EdTech Karaoke and the vendor sponsored parties are great places to network and connect with colleagues from across the U.S.

Next ISTE Conference: ISTE 2024. June 23rd - 26th, 2024. Denver, Colorado.


FETC (Future of Education Technology Conference) is one of the biggest EdTech shows of the year. Usually hosted in Orlando during the beginning of the calendar year, the weather and local attractions probably have a lot to do with the large attendance. The show is packed with sessions and vendors offering insights and previews into what's coming next in the EdTech space for the year. Be on the lookout for a Tech to School shirt or two at the Howl at the Moon piano bar.

Next FETC Conference: FETC 2025. January 14th - 17th, 2025. Orlando, Florida.


TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) is another big EdTech show hosted every year in Texas. While the venue and naming may say Texas, you'll find educators, vendors and IT staff from across the country attending the show. New product announcements and top notch keynote speakers usually make the list. We find TCEA a little more business focused than FETC (which is usually held just the week before) with the sessions geared more towards the administration side of EdTech versus the more educator focused FETC. 

Next TCEA Conference: TCEA 2025. February 1st - 5th, 2025. Austin, Texas

4. CUE

CUE (Computer Users in Education) is one of the oldest EdTech organizations and one of the biggest EdTech conferences you'll see on the West Coast. Smaller in scale than ISTE, FETC or TCEA, CUE makes up for in quality what it may lack in quantity. Top tier sessions and speakers along with a more intimate setting create great value for those who make the trip out to Palm Springs. 

Next CUE Conference: Spring CUE 2024. March 21st - 23rd, 2024. Palm Springs, California

5. CoSN 

CoSN (Consortium for School Network) is more software focused EdTech organization and conference. Great for IT staff looking to stay on the cutting edge of networking and digital security, their software awards often highlight new and innovative applications. The smaller scale of the conference allows for more direct dialogue with developers and entrepreneurs in the software side of EdTech. This is a show where you can learn new technology and also help shape what's coming next.

Next CoSN Conference: CoSN 2024. April 7th-11th, 2024. Miami, Florida.


While the above conferences are our top favorites, below are some other EdTech shows that are definitely worth checking out:


Some are regional affiliates of bigger organizations like ISTE and all provide valuable sessions and opportunities to network with colleagues and vendors in the EdTech space.


Tech to School often exhibits at many of these conferences. If you happen to attend, be on the lookout for our booth, stop by and say 'hello' and be sure to grab some Tech to School swag!