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What Information is Required to Order Google Chrome License for Education?

Google Chrome Education License Required Info
Here is the information that Google requires to order Google Chrome Licenses for Education:

Address: The physical address of the school. Example, "123 Little Trees Way"

Attention: The main technical contact at the school. Example, "Jane Doe"

City: The city the school is located in. Example, "Cupertino"

End User Email: The primary technical contact's email address within the school's domain. Example, "janedoe@littletreeselementary.edu"

Organization: The school's name. Example, "Little Trees Elementary"

PO: To be filled out by the vendor (Tech to School)

Reseller Email: To be filled out by the vendor (Tech to School)

Reseller Phone: To be filled out by the vendor (Tech to School)

State: The state the school is located in. Example, "California"

Telephone: The phone number the school. Example, "408-867-5309"

Zip: The zip code the school is located in. Example, "95014"

End Customer Domain Site: The website domain of the school. Example, "littletreeselementary.edu"

End Customer Off Domain Email: A secondary email address for the technical contact that is NOT under the main domain. This must not be under the school's primary domain (so no @littletreeselementary.edu email addresses in this example) A good example is "janedoe@gmail.com"

